Trust Board

The Trustees of the Standardbred Stable to Stirrup Charitable Trust are all volunteers. These people give up their time to ensure the Trust is working in the best way possible to provide a sustainable and successful organisation dedicated to a life after racing for Standardbred harness horses.

Carl markham

Carl is a long time Standardbred trainer and driver and has in-depth knowledge of the industry and the importance of creating a life after racing for the breed.

Hannah Doney

Hannah is a founding Trustee of Stable to Stirrup and has been involved since it’s inception. She has a number of governance roles and provides oversight to the strategic direction, operational efficiency and sustainability of the charity.

Rob Campbell

Rob is a highly respected CFO with a deep interest in the industry. He has a number of governance roles and significant financial capability as a chartered accountant.

The Board is supported by Glennis Hilston as Secretary.


Laila Aldridge

Becks Nairn

Laura Harry

Pheobe Davies

Kerry Helm

Rachel Scott

Kat Gardiner